National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network

National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network

Serving Nanoscale Science, Engineering & Technology

Middle School

Wet Etching in Nanofabrication

Subject: Physical science

Audience: Middle School

This lab explains how scientists sculpt tiny electrical components used in everyday electronic devices such as an iPod.

Help or Hype: The Ethics of Bio-nanotechnology

Subject: Biology, Science and Society

Audience: Middle School, High School, Adult

This lesson explores the ethical concerns related to bio-nanotechnology. Bio-nanotechnology is the application of nanotechnology to living things. This ranges from the creation of pharmaceuticals to medical devices. While scientists have created many life-saving treatments ethical concerns, such as privacy, can arise from such technological advances.

Mixtures and Nanotechnology

Subject: Chemistry, Physical science

Audience: Middle School, High School

The purpose of this unit is to help students make the connection that the classification of mixtures is based on the size of particles.

Noodling Around

Subject: General Science

Audience: Elementary, Middle School, High School

Using pool noodels, this activity helsp students understand the size and scale of objects and the tools that are used to measure these objects.

Scale Models

Subject: General Science

Audience: Elementary, Middle School, High School

This activity is designed to help students understand the size and scale of objects.

Shrink Me

Subject: General Science

Audience: Elementary, Middle School, High School

This activity is designed to help students understand the size and scale of objects that are shrunk by orders of 10.

What's In Your Neighborhood?

Subject: General Science

Audience: Elementary, Middle School, High School

This activity is designed to help students understand the size and scale of objects using their classroom as a frame of reference.

The Micro and Macro Worlds

Subject: General Science

Audience: Elementary, Middle School, High School

This activity is designed to help students understand the size and scale of objects that can and cannot be seen with the naked eye.


Subject: General Science

Audience: Middle School

An electroplating lesson exploring factors effecting deposition, morphology, and thickness of thin metallic layer of copper or nickel.

Design Challenge: Incorporating Shape Memory Alloys into Rube Goldberg Devices

Subject: General Science, Physical science

Audience: Middle School, High School

Lesson challenges students to use shape memory alloys as part of a Rube Goldbery device


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